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Why should we keep the market?


Cardiff Market is an excentric building that is a long standing memory to Cardiff's trading history. Each individual stallholder that you come across have years of experience and are very passionate about maintaining their stalls success. The fishmongers and the vegetable stalls are the longest standing as they have been around for longer than 50 years. The prices in the market are half that of local supermarkets and are at much more affordable prices. In this project we discovered that the stallholders have seen an increase in customers over the last year and that the newspaper articles that we found said that there was an decrease were wrong. The market should be made more noticible, as it is an indoor market many have walked past it. This is an issue and can easily be resolved by putting signs or notice boards up that point to both entrances of the market. 

As we are Media production students, we were asked about making a promotional video for the market. This to us showed that the market means a lot to the stallholders, and we came across a market researcher who also spoke very positively about the market's success. 

Of course, not only are there stalls, but there are cafe's that produce home-made treats such as welsh cakes and custard slices. We also discovered that the market had important figures that contributed to the market's history such as the chief constable. These figures do not exist the same way that they would have back in the early 1800s. Therefore, the market has a lot of untold history that many are unaware of and should be encouraged further, especially to the younger generation. 

Upon visiting the market, it made us aware about the people it would effect. If the market was to be closed down, it would both effect stallholders and their customers.The market is a place we should keep for as long as possible and therefore we hope that this narrative will help people understand the speciality of the market in a 21st century period. 

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